Tag Archives: puppy mill investigations

CAPS 2024 Efforts and Accomplishments

In the ongoing fight against pet shops and puppy mills, 2024 presented many challenges. But thanks to the generous support of our donors, CAPS scored major victories at every level: local, state, and national. Our undercover investigators went to pet shops and hard-to-infiltrate puppy mills…Read more

Seeing is Believing: Why Videos are so Critical to CAPS’ Success

CAPS is known for its professional production of undercover pet shop and puppy mill videos, documentaries, PSAs and more CAPS’ unrelenting work pace has not slowed down this summer. Our undercover investigators went to pet shops in Michigan and Texas. We also investigated more than…Read more

CAPS President Deborah Howard Appears Again on NPR’s Talking Animals

Host Duncan Strauss Interviewed Howard about CAPS’  Internet Puppy Sales, Shelter Reform and Spay/Neuter Outreach Campaigns On April 3, 2024, CAPS President Deborah Howard appeared on Talking Animals on NPR affiliate WMNF in Tampa, Florida. Host Duncan Strauss interviewed Ms. Howard as a follow up…Read more

CAPS President Deborah Howard Appears on NPR’s Talking Animals

Host Duncan Strauss Interviewed Howard about CAPS' Pet Shop and Puppy Mill Work On January 31, 2024, CAPS President Deborah Howard appeared on Talking Animals on NPR affiliate WMNF in Tampa, Florida. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to discuss CAPS' expanded mission. CAPS' mission now…Read more

Slane, Catherine (breeder selling to Critter Cabana)

Catherine Slane 64632 Meissen Ln Deer Island, OR 97054 USDA License: none found Date and time of CAPS investigation: 10/21/21, 1457 Weather at time of investigation: 67°F and overcast, ground was soaked from rain earlier in the day Approximate number of dogs observed at time…Read more

Rescue Dogs: A Book by CAPS’ Lead Investigator

CAPS' lead investigator, "Pete," discusses his new book, Rescue Dogs. In the first half of his book, Pete discusses his undercover pet shop and puppy mill investigations and the horrible conditions animals suffering in mills must endure as breeding stock for the pet shop industry.…Read more

In Memory of Beatrice

CAPS Spokesmodel Beatrice passed away on April 25, 2017 after 14 years fighting against pet shops and puppy mills. In her honor, we have started the Beatrice Memorial Fund. Your donations will help remove dogs and cats from mills and give them the proper veterinary…Read more
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