A lot has happened since “Puppy Doe” was dumped near a playground in Quincy, MA last summer.
Read the following article about House Bill 4244 (a bill that would raise the penalties, fines, and imprisonment for those who abuse animals) and CAPS’ work with Massachusetts State Representative Bruce Ayers and other animal welfare groups drafting a bill that would ban the sale of puppy mill animals in MA pet shops.
Publication/Event date: 2014-07-10
Publication name: The Boston Globe
URL for more info: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/south/2014/07/10/quincy-legislator-activists-raise-stakes-against-animal-abuse/goiZWP7xLr2c2nmWzAt8XK/story.html
State Representative Bruce Ayers grew up in Quincy with a black Labrador named Smokey. A dog lover, Ayers was appalled, along with the rest of us, over “Puppy Doe,” the female pit bull dumped in bushes near a playground in Quincy last summer. Puppy Doe had been starved, stabbed, beaten, and left for dead.