A Nationwide Day of Protest of the Treatment of Shelter Animals!

Forwarded message from Melissa Klovak:

Dear Friends,
Please I strongly urge you to join us in a Nationwide Day of Protest Against Animal Kill Pounds inspired by New York Animal Rights Alliance America activists Kay Riviello 845 856 7366 and Jo-Lynn Estrada 973 930 3026 on , at the Brooklyn ACC and every kill pound near you.
WEAR RED, CARRY A SIGN saying “Stop the Killing of Cats and Dogs” and take a picture or video and send to: for the permanent record of the first national protest against kill pounds.
We all have our differences, but we have come together for the sole  purpose to save the lives of all animals. We all know too well the condition of our cities Animal Shelters; some are under funded, and then in our larger cities some are not. They are financial havens for lavish salaries, huge marketing campaigns that generate millions in funds that never make it to those that need it most: house pets, strays, the sick, the old and the young, all abandoned, neglected, or just no longer wanted, dumped in a shelter waiting to die. They have no voice or control over their lives, but we do. We can create change and there is strength in numbers.
Jada, a 10 year old dog found dead in her cage the morning she was to be RESCUED!! Apparently she bled to death overnight at the Brooklyn Animal Care and Control facility. This is just one of the many tragic stories associated with our countries shelter system.  I say make this one the last one by standing up and demanding change. The time is now!
Let’s  make July 23rd our day to be heard as a nation and a movement of compassionate human beings.

Date: Saturday, July 23, 2011
Where: Your local high kill shelter/pound
Time: 1:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

***Wear Red to show your support and our solidarity in achieving Animal Pound  Reform***

Bring Signs, Banners, Photos of your beloved shelter pet.
Print Flyers and distribute in your neighborhood (I can help create printable versions for you)
I relish the day my facebook newsfeed no longer fills up with the faces of abandoned, neglected and abused animals and I know you do to. Let’s stand together on Saturday, July 23rd, 2011 and make history!
Kind Regards,
Melissa Slovak

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