Your dollars. Your compassion. Your voice. Whichever way you choose to show your love of animals, be an advocate for change. Stand with us in our fight on behalf of animals suffering in pet shops and mills.
Make a tax-deductible donation to CAPS and help fund investigations, legislation, outreach, and rescues. There are many ways to give.
Take Action
Whether you write a letter, take part in a protest, or become a CAPS volunteer, you can help put an end to puppy mills. See below.
Get Informed and Educate Others
Use these CAPS resources to get the word out.
Flyers in English and Spanish:
- Pet Shop/Puppy Mill Life Cycle
- El Ciclo Vital de Las Tiendas de Mascotas/Fábricas de Cachorros
- Las 8 Razones Principales Para Castrar o Esterilizar a Su Mascota (Spay/Neuter Flyer)
- Porque es Importante Vacunar a tu Mascota? (Vaccination Flyer)
Brochures in English and Spanish:
- This Is The Face Of A Puppy Mill Dog
- Esta es la care de un perro que sobrevivió una fábrica de cachorros
Fill out a Pet Shop Complaint Form
If you purchased a sick or dying animal from a pet shop or breeder, please fill out our online complaint form. We are here to assist you. Your information also helps with our investigations and outreach.
Take Action
Write to Government Officials
Contact your senators and representatives and ask them to address the USDA’s failure to enforce the Animal Welfare Act.
Find out if your senator or representative is on an oversight committee for the USDA, and then contact them to request oversight hearings on the USDA’s failure to enforce the Animal Welfare Act.
Contact your state legislators to request that they sponsor legislation to ban the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits.
Be in the know
Learn about CAPS events such as protests, tabling, and legislative hearings by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletters and action alerts.
Ask CAPS for a copy of our protest protocol so that you can hold a peaceful protest on public property.
Notify law enforcement ahead of time when and where you will be protesting.
Make signs, post flyers, and use social media and traditional media to generate interest in your protest and alert the public about its time and location.
Distribute copies of the CAPS pet shop puppy mill life cycle flyer and brochure
Contact Media
Contact local or national media about doing stories on the commercial pet breeding industry. Write a letter to the editor about pet shops in your community or advocate for local or state legislation to ban the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits.
Pet Shop or Puppy Mill Employee
If you work for a pet shop or puppy mill, contact CAPS about the conditions there. All information is confidential. Click here to tell us about your situation and/or experience with a pet shop, breeder, or broker.
Social Media
Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
Watch us on YouTube and Vimeo
Millions of homeless dogs and cats die in shelters each year. Please save a life by adopting a companion animal from a local shelter or nonprofit rescue organization. There are purebred rescue organizations for many dog breeds. Some pet supply stores also sponsor adoption days.
Go to to find rescued animals in your area.