Breeder: Brooke, Glenn
Business name: Brookglen Kennel
Address: RR5 Box 495
City, State Zip: Coalgate, OK 74538
Year: 2004
USDA License: Formerly 73-B-1773
USDA Inspector: Cathy Niebruegge, ACI
USDA Inspections: 2003-07-21
Date of CAPS Investigation: 2004-08-23

Approximately 40 dogs. Breeds: Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, Standard Poodles, Golden Retrievers
Glen Brooke’s kennel had two sections: One area had Standard Poodles, Labradors, and Golden Retrievers used for breeding, and the other area had Goldendoodles and Labradoodles not used for breeding.

The facility containing Goldendoodles and Labradoodles consisted of two sections, each with four pens. Each six foot by six foot pen had four, 50-pound dogs. The pens had dirt flooring and chain link walls. Worn blue tarps covered some of the walls. The tarps had large holes, and some had two to three feet of the lower section completely ripped off (3.1(c)(2)-Maintenance and replacement of surfaces) (3.4(b)(2)-Shelter from the elements).

The dirt floorings were littered with feces several days old, thick enough that the dogs could not avoid stepping in it (3.1(c)(3)-Cleaning). The dog house in each pen was not large enough for the four dogs to be inside at one time and lie in a normal manner or turn about freely (3.4-Shelter from the elements). None of the dog houses had wind/rain breaks on their entrances (3.4(b)(3)-Shelter from the elements). All of the pens had chain link roofing covered with tarps.

Each pen had a plastic water bucket large enough to contain about five gallons of water. They held about one gallon at the time. The water was dirty enough to obscure the bottom of the bucket (3.10-Watering). Each pen also contained a PVC self-feeder positioned on concrete slab. The feeders were on the dirt ground in a manner that did not minimize contamination by excreta (3.9(b)-Feeding). The bottom parts of all feeders were covered with dirt and feces (3.11(b)-Sanitization of food and water receptacles).

The other kennel consisted of about twelve pens. Each pen had indoor and outdoor sections. The outdoor sections were about 30 feet long and six feet wide. They had concrete floorings and six-foot-high chain link walls. Each of these pens had a plastic water bucket, self feeder and a plastic swimming pool about five feet in diameter and a foot tall. All of the swimming pools were filled with water.

The entire kennel had six-foot-high weeds surrounding it, most within one to two feet of the chain link walls. Some touched the chain link walls themselves (3.11(c)-Housekeeping for premises).

Glenn Brooke said that about six months ago he stopped paying his USDA fees and that the USDA then revoked his license. Brooke said he believed he should have a USDA license for the number of dogs he has. He also said he wondered if he would get in trouble for not having a license, but commented he would “handle that problem when it comes.” Brooke said that he previously sold to a broker but claimed that he currently did not. He added that breeders must have a USDA license to sell to brokers.

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