Join CAPS in Helping Animals in California’s Municipal Shelters: Support our Critical Documentary Now
California’s municipal shelters are in crisis. Many of the animals live in overcrowded, inhumane conditions, without sufficient exercise or veterinary care. Euthanasia rates are shockingly high. In some parts of the state, backyard breeding is rampant, and spay/neuter services are woefully insufficient. The Central Valley overflows with abandoned dogs, living in fields and dying on roadsides, including dogs and puppies killed intentionally by cruel means.
It is time for the California Legislature to take action. CAPS is making a critical new short documentary called The Crisis at California’s Municipal Shelters to push for appropriate legislation. We want to see a law that would require the state to license, regulate, and inspect municipal shelters. As with a similar law in New York, the shelters would have three years to come into compliance with the help of state funding and training.
Read about our first day of filming here.
CAPS Cannot Make The Crisis at California’s Municipal Shelters Without Your Generous Donation Today
Our goal is to raise $20,000 to cover production, publicity and outreach costs for The Crisis at California’s Municipal Shelters. We will use this documentary to reach the state legislature, media and public, with the goal being legislation that requires state regulation of municipal shelters. Please donate generously today.
Many California Municipal Shelters are:
Underfunded or poorly run
Overcrowded shelters, abandoned dogs
Low care, high euthanasia