Shirk, Daniel from CAPS on Vimeo.

Breeder: Daniel Shirk
Address: 6666 Baker Rd
City, State, Zip: Shelby, OH
USDA License: 31-A-0455

Date and time of CAPS Investigation: 4/20/24; 1341

Weather at time of investigation: 46°F and partly cloudy

Approximate number of dogs and puppies observed at time of investigation: 35 dogs

Breeds: Shih Tzu, Poodles, Dachshunds

The kennel had about 14 indoor/outdoor concrete runs on one side, situated so they were not visible from the road. Runs consisted of chain link and had metal doggie doors to access the indoor portions of the enclosures. Runs were each about six feet long and three feet wide, with two to three dogs visible in each. The small-breed dogs inside of them had enough space to move a few steps before contacting the walls of their runs, and there was no exercise yard visible on the property.

Shirk had 35 adults and 22 puppies at his 3-25-24 USDA inspection.

The breeder is connected to the following store:

The Downtown Hound Grooming & Pet Center, Monroe, MI (CVI 2023)

I investigated The Downtown Hound on 3/19/24. I spoke to the owner of the store, who said he lives at the location where he grooms dogs and sells puppies. He had only one puppy at the time and carries puppies when they are available.

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