Breeder: Lisa Fielder
Kennel Name: New Puppies 4 U
Address: 1236 E Redbud Rd
City, State, Zip: Goldsby, OK 73093
USDA License: 73-A-2699
Date and time of CAPS investigation: 8/12/20, 1231
Weather at time of investigation: 81°F and sunny
Approximate number of dogs observed at time of investigation: about 40 dogs
Breeds: Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Standard Poodles, Beagles
On the northeast side of the property near 260th St, there was a kennel with about 30 outdoor runs, arranged in two rows, with each pen about five feet wide and long. The pens had chain-link walls and concrete floors. There were plastic igloo-style dog houses inside. A metal roof partially covered all of the pens, with about half of each pen covered and half exposed. I saw one to two dogs per pen in most pens.
Several areas that were each about 20 feet wide and long were east of the pens. These seemed to be play pens. Other pens of similar design were north of the area, and though they had plastic igloo-style dog houses in them, only chickens were visible in the northern runs.
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