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    About the California Municipal Shelter

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    Living Conditions* (put NA if doesn’t apply or you have no info)

    Please describe living condition violations at the shelter, such as: unsafe housing; dirty food and water bowls; insufficient food and water; lack of bedding; accumulation of feces and urine; improper cleaning and sanitation; overcrowding; lack of mental stimulation; insufficient protection from the elements; insufficient cooling and heating; no or insufficient volunteers; inadequate training for volunteers; inadequate and /or unqualified staff. Please list the types of animals, ages of animals and breeds of animals affected if known.

    Veterinary Care* (put NA if doesn’t apply or you have no info)

    Please describe veterinary care conditions at the shelter, such as: aggressive animals housed with friendly animals; lack of behavioral assessment upon intake by qualified employees; animals with anxiety, depression, kennel stress, and fear; unaltered animals of opposite sexes housed together; inhumane euthanasia; unnecessary euthanasia; insufficient enrichment; insufficient exercise and playing; underweight animals; expired and improperly stored medications; improper or insufficient veterinary care, employees other than a licensed veterinarian clearing injured animals for adoption; improper diagnoses; sick and injured animals being cleared for spaying and neutering; no immunizations upon intake; lack of obedience training. Please list the type of animals, ages of animals and breeds of animals affected if known,

    Release of Animals to Adopters, Rescues and Fosters* (put NA if doesn’t apply or you have no info)

    Please describe issues at the shelter related to the release of animals to adopters, rescues and fosters, such as: violations of the stray hold under the Hayden Act; no spaying or neutering of animals before release; no immunizations before release; no or insufficient medical records before release; improper holding or delay of release of animals going to rescue organizations; not releasing euthanasia list to rescues to network or pull animals; inadequate or insufficient information on animals to be euthanized; failure of shelter to work with low and no-kill shelters that have the space to take at-risk animals. Please list the type of animals, ages of animals and breeds of animals affected if known.

    Outreach* (put NA if doesn’t apply or you have no info)

    Please describe issues at the shelter related to public and rescue partner outreach, such as: failure to list all of the animals available for adoption on website, failure to regularly feature at-risk animals on social media, failure to release public records; inability to search for individual animals on website. Please list the type of animals, ages of animals and breeds of animals affected if known.

    Shelter Access* (put NA if doesn’t apply or you have no info)

    Please describe issues related to public access to the shelter, such as: shelters days and hours not being conducive to maximizing visits by the public; shelter requiring appointments to visit, adopt and foster animals.

    Upload documents, photographs here; email us at with a link to videos

    Permission: Your information is confidential unless you give us permission to use some or all of it.

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