Breeder: Judy and Jeffrey Gray
Address: 107 South St.
City, State Zip: Rothville, MO 64676
Year: 2015
USDA License: 43-A-4052
Date of CAPS Investigation: 04/21/15
Time of CAPS Investigation: 11:34am

Approximate number of dogs observed at the time of investigation: none observed.

Breeds: English Bulldogs, Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus

Judy Gray (Caucasian female, about 5’4”, 160 lbs., with shoulder-length brown hair) spoke to me about her breeding business but would not allow me access to her kennel. She told me that she primarily sells puppies online through My Puppy Broker. She said she also sells to pet stores: “And then I’ve also got a guy out of New Jersey that owns five pet stores, and he comes out and picks up his own puppies.” This fits the description for Just Pups, which has four locations in New Jersey and one in Valhalla, Westchester County, New York, which was investigated by CAPS, and transports puppies from breeding facilities. She said that she primarily breeds Chihuahuas, having 50 breeders. She added, “That is our largest breed, so we are always looking at more avenues because sometimes I overwhelm my own market.”

She said that every two weeks, the pet shop in New Jersey sends a van with two employees to pick up her puppies. She said she believed both people were drivers for the van and did not mention either person being a groomer or veterinarian. This contradicts the claim of American Dog Club (Albertson, NY) that puppies for its store are ground-transported with veterinarians and groomers onboard.

Judy said that she breeds her dogs every cycle that she can, and that when her Chihuahua pups are sold they are typically less than two pounds in weight, often being at, or just above, 1.5 pounds.

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