Happiness is pets – Can I see your breeders?

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Publication/Event date: 2011-10-30
Publication name: Blog with me/ Ida McCarthy
URL for more info:
Happiness is pets in Chicago should be held libel for fraud. They have a fancy new website with a section called “Happiness is pets and puppy mills.” Take a look at the site and see the cages, they are like aquariums.
They put the puppies in the aquariums with the plastic or wire bottoms so their little paws fall through all day and night. Nobody there to oversee them at night. What if they have to go out in the middle of the night? They just sit in their poop. And what about during the day? Has anyone EVER drove by a puppy store and seen puppies outside? Nope, they are stuck in the cages. I wonder if they find dead dogs in the morning after leaving them alone all night in the store. Sometimes puppies have seizures and all other kinds of things….they’re puppies. They should be watched all day and night while they are in their puppy years. NO REPUTABLE BREEDER would even think of doing this to their puppies.

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