Koehn, Judy from CAPS on Vimeo.

Breeder: Judy Koehn
Address: 2508 40th St
City, State, Zip: Burns, KS 66840
USDA License: 48-A-1503
Date and time of CAPS Investigation: 11/16/22, 1135

Weather at time of investigation: 33°F and partly cloudy

Approximate number of dogs observed at time of investigation: 200

Breeds: Corgis, Yorkies, various other small breeds that couldn’t be identified

The facility appeared to be an old hog farm, with the dogs visible to me in a portion that was used for finishing hogs (growing them to slaughter weight). The finishing pens were arranged in four different rows north of the residence on the property and a barn just south of the pens, which had two unlined manure retention ponds near it. The ponds were fed from PVC pips that ran from the direction of the building and were only about half filled. Likely, the barn was formerly used as a hog farrowing barn. It may have been converted into a puppy whelping barn, which would explain the water still in the retention ponds. 

The dog runs had metal roofs over parts of them, with the rest of the being uncovered. They had concrete floorings, all of which were covered in yellow and brown stains (3.1 Housing facilities, general (c) Surfaces (3) Cleaning). All pens also had wire walls. I saw up to five dogs per enclosure. Most pens had covered sections that were about 30’ long, though other pens had covered sections about half as long. Uncovered pen areas appeared to be between 15’-30’ long, the variability likely due to the size of pigs and hogs that were previously kept at the farm. The pens ran north and south, at the southern ends of them were hallways that ran east and west and were enclosed by fencing. This was likely used previously to sort hogs that were being brought into pens and being sent out to slaughter. 

Various supplies were stored near the dog pens, with some appearing to be mats laid out on concrete slabs outside of pens, other areas appearing to be used to store junk. About 15’ in front of the dozen shortest runs was an area containing three sets of pallets arranged as though they would provide shelter like lean-tos, which were surrounded by wire fencing. Another pallet lean-to rested up against an outer fence (3.1 Housing facilities, general (b) Condition and site). No dogs were visible in this area.

The row of pens furthest to the east, which contained six pens, had assorted supplies stored against the east side of. Supplies included what appeared to be PVC bed or reclining chair frames staked haphazardly on top of each other, and a 50-gallon metal tub set upside down (3.1 Housing facilities, general (b) Condition and site)

Breeder sells to the following pet shops recently investigated by CAPS:

  1. Pet Spa Puppies aka Honey Pets, 13678 W State Rd 84, Davie, FL 33325, Broward County (CVI 2021)
  2. Luxury Puppies, 8981 SW 40th St, Miami, FL 33165, Miami-Dade County (CVI 2021)

Breeder sells  puppies online through the following website:



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