Breeder: Lanz, Sharon
Address: 480 8th St. NE
City, State Zip: Pine River, MN 56474
Year: 2005
USDA License: 41-A-0027
Date of CAPS Investigation: 2005-06-10

Approximately 100 dogs. Breeds: Huskies, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Standard Poodles, Keeshounds, Irish Setters

The investigator saw the kennel that contained Lanz’s breeding dogs but was not able to inspect the whelping building. The breeding dogs were in 16 outdoor pens arranged in two rows of eight pens each, set back-to-back. These pens were about 400 feet from Lanz’s house; two dirt roads led up to this kennel area.

These pens, about five feet wide and ten feet long, had concrete floors, chain link walls, and included a wooden dog house about four feet wide and three feet long and tall at the rear of the pen. Each pen housed two to four adult dogs. Some pens contained two to three dogs that were each about four feet long from the tips of their noses to the bases of their tails (3.6(c)(1)(i)-Space).

The floors of the pens were covered with feces mixed with tufts of fur. The flooring next to the dog houses and along the bottoms of the chain link walls exhibited a thicker accumulation of feces (3.11(a)-Cleaning of primary enclosures). Many of the chain link walls were broken near their bottoms, resulting in rusted, jagged ends protruding into the pens (3.1(c)(1)(i)(ii)-Surfaces).

The dog houses had a thick layer of feces and fur inside of them, and the outside surfaces also had a build-up of feces splatter on them (3.1(c)(3)-Surfaces). One dog house, in a pen containing two Keeshounds, had several piles of feces on top of its roof (3.11(a)-Cleaning of primary enclosures).

The surfaces of the houses were chewed and torn (3.1(2)-Surfaces), and the houses lacked windbreaks (3.4(b)(3)-Outdoor housing facilities). In many of the pens, the dog house was not of sufficient size to accommodate all the dogs at once and allow them to lie in a normal manner or turn about freely (3.4(b)-Shelter from the elements).

Metal self-feeders set on cinder blocks were attached to the walls of the pens. Many feeders were rusting (3.9(b)-Feeding). Plastic water dishes were on the pen floors. Many were empty and had fecal stains covering their surfaces (3.10-Watering).

There were large puddles of feces on the dirt ground past the dog pens (3.1(f)-Drainage and waste disposal).

An outdoor pen located between the main kennel area and Lanz house had a single Irish Setter. The pen had a dirty flooring with more than 24 hours’ accumulation of feces (3.11(a)-Cleaning of primary enclosures). This pen had chain link walls, a metal self feeder and plastic water dish, and a wooden dog house lacking a windbreak (3.4(b)(3)-Shelter from the elements).

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