Petland Orlando South
3920 S Semoran Blvd
Orlando, FL 32822
(407) 381-5777

Date and time of CAPS investigation: 02/10/18; 1506

Approximate number of dogs observed at time of investigation: 50 puppies

I saw no signs offering breeder information upon request, and no breeder information was available on puppy enclosures. There were about 20 puppy enclosures, with a total of about 50 puppies of various breeds in the store.

Puppy enclosures were about 3.5 feet long and three feet wide and tall, with treated wire floorings for the puppies to stand and lay on. Most enclosures contained three puppies each, with some containing three puppies that were each about two to 2.5 feet long and weighing about 20-25 lbs, including one enclosure that had a Neopolitan Mastiff, St Bernard, and English Mastiff puppy in it, and another enclosure with two Huskies and a Boxer puppy. For these two enclosures, there wasn’t enough space for the puppies to lay down or stand without constantly contacting each other or the enclosure walls.

I spoke to an Caucasian make employee, who appeared to be in his thirties, who showed me paperwork for a French Bulldog puppy. The employee told me that paperwork on puppies included breeder information, but I pointed out the store’s papers on the Frenchie had no breeder information in it. The employee then went to go search for the breeder information and showed me what he said was all of the information the store had available on the puppy. None of it contained breeder information, and so I asked, “Okay, so the breeder info isn’t there?” He responded, “No, it’s not.” However, the employee mentioned a “distributor” named Remmy’s brings puppies to the store.

I asked the employee if the store’s breeders keep animals in cages at their facilities, and he responded, “No, all of our puppies, they’re going to have, like, mom and dad together and they have runs that they go down. Like our owner’s very particular about it. Every summer our owner goes out with a bunch of the other Petland owners. Petland actually has a new program where a bunch of their old breeders, they have like an old wooden kennel, that kinda ‘thing, they go in and reinvest in it. Make it look (unintelligible comment). Pictures we have of them, and they always do a whole photo album you can flip through, they’re awesome. They can run, basically each animal has its own area, it’s like a dog house. But I mean it’s like two rooms, basically. They have in and out access by themselves, that kinda’ deal.”

I then asked, “Do you know when they breed ’em, do they breed ’em for like a certain number of years and then they stop?” The employee responded, “Usually. Especially with the Bulldogs, they have to. It puts a lot of stress on them. The Frenchies and the English, a lot of time they have to use artificial insemination, and they start to have issues.” He then added, “I mean, Frenchies go a little bit longer than the English, usually go a year maybe max….They’re careful about that because a lot of times when they get older they start to have some those hereditary issues themselves.”

The employee told me that “we only deal with licensed USDA breeders,” and when I asked if any of the breeders have violations, he responded, “I don’t see any reports in here, but no, I mean they’re really particular about who they order from. And these pups are all AKC, that means they’re AKC inspected.”

Evidence of false statements and misrepresentations of breeders by store:

The employee at Petland South claimed dogs “have runs that they can go down,” and claimed breeders don’t have violations. CAPS received a certificate of veterinary inspection showing Tim and Mary Feldmann are breeders for Petland South. CAPS investigated Feldmann’s kennel on 4/22/15 and saw a Pomeranian and a Poodle in a pen in the middle of the building had no access to the outdoors. This is not a USDA violation, but it is a MO state violation (2 CSR 30-9.030 (1) Facilities and Operating Standards (F) Primary enclosures 3. C. (2) (B) Exercise for dogs 4. Constant and unfettered access). The pen had wire walls, two partially and two fully covered by plastic sheets; a wooden box in this pen was covered in peeling black paint and had chewed surfaces (USDA Animal Welface Act violation Sec 3.1 Housing Facilities, General (c) Surfaces (1) General requirements). There were three other pens, in a row, in the enclosure. These pens also had no outdoor access, but they contained nursing small-breed mothers and puppies. Mary told me that she was hoping the Pomeranian and Poodle would breed together in the pen they shared.
CAPS undercover investigation of Tim and Mary Feldman,2015

Breeder info:
1. Remmy’s Puppies (French Bulldog)

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