Publication/Event date: 2013-06-23
Publication name: Lisle Patch
URL for more info:
Thank you everyone for your continued support to educate the public on The Puppy Mill Parlor! We could protest forever, but we could not do as much damage as Tammy Coglianese did to herself last night on the Lisle Patch. I tried to put some of her comments here, but they were so vulgar, the Patch rejected my posts. Here is the link:
I hope the Lisle City Council and The Chamber Of Commerce are proud to support the Puppy Mill Parlor and Tammy Coglianese. Wow, is all I can say. Please join us next Saturday at Noon to educate the public on this horrific pet store. If anyone has been sold a sick or dying dog, please visit and fill out a pet store complaint form. Thank you!
Protest Puppy Mill Parlor