Breeder: Brenda Rauber
Address: 519 E 5th St
City, State, Zip: Kidder, MO 64649
USDA License: 43-A-5504
Date of CAPS Investigation: 7/23/20
Time of CAPS Investigation: 10:20

Weather at time of investigation: 83°F and mostly sunny

Approximate number of dogs observed at time of investigation:

Breeds: Boston Terriers, Shih Tzu, Springer Spaniel

The kennel had three different areas that I was able to see. One, at the southeast end of the property, was a row of outdoor chain link runs, which were elevated a few inches about the ground. Each area had a tarp covering them and dog houses inside. There were about five pens totals, though I didn’t see any dogs moving in the pens.

The other two areas were west of the house. Each was a shed-type building with elevated indoor/outdoor cages, connected with doggie-doors, on the buildings’ east and west sides. The white building had about five elevated treated wire cages on two sides; each cage was about five feet long, two feet wide, and 18” tall.

The tan building had a similar layout, with about five cages on each side, but the cages had chain link walls that were about four feet tall. The wooden frame beneath the chain link ones on one side was sagging, causing the fencing to also sag. (3.1 Housing facilities, general (a) Structure; construction).

In the outdoor enclosures, I saw what appeared to be Boston Terriers and Shih Tzu. One dog appeared to be a  brown and white Springer Spaniel. I couldn’t get a decent view of all of the outdoor enclosures.

Tall weeds were around much of the property. Adjacent to currently unused chain link enclosures was a large collection of debris, junk and discarded matter. There also appeared to be some discarded items near the kennel areas currently being used (3.11 Cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control (4)(c) Housekeeping for premises).

In juxtaposition to the very basic enclosures for their breeding dogs, the Raubers had a fancy commercial slide contraption for their children, which one normally sees at public park playgrounds.

Breeder is connected to the following broker:

  1. Select Puppies (Certificates of Veterinary Inspection 2020)

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