Breeder: Mark Riley
Business name: Riley Kennel
Address: 8875 CR 7590
City, State Zip: Pottersville, MO 65790
Year: 2015
USDA License: 43-A-4256
Date of CAPS Investigation: 04/27/15
CAPS investigation: 4/27/15
Approximate number of dogs at time of investigation: 75
Breeds: French Bulldogs, Pugs, Beagles
The kennel consisted of two barns connected to each other, with sheltered runs on two sides, about 20 of which had plastic, 50-gallon barrels that served as dog-houses for the animals. The runs appeared to have chain-link or galvanized wire walls, though I did not observe them up close. There appeared to be about 60 runs, in total. I spoke to Mrs. Riley (Caucasian female, about 45 years old, 5’8”, 180 lbs., with shoulder-length dirty-blonde hair) at the kennel.
Statements contradicting pet store claims: I asked her, “I hear that in New York, they want to you be exclusive to them, is that true?” She responded, “Um, I don’t know. The same pet stores that I’ve sold to….for several years, it used to be a lot bigger market for these pet stores but it just kind of….” I then said, “I hear in New York they want people exclusive, and they only want to take one breeder. I don’t know if that’s true or not.” She then said, “I don’t even sell whole litters. Usually what I’ll do, I’ll call my guy up and say, ’Can you move me some Puggles?’ And he might move me three.“ These statements contradict Canine Corral’s (Huntington Station, NY) claim that their breeders are exclusive to them.