Publication/Event date: 2012-12-24
Publication name: Lisle Patch
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Puppy Parlor on Main St. in Lisle sells dogs from puppy mills. This store sells dogs from Dennis & Donna Van Wyck, Prairie Kennels, a puppy mill in Iowa, and many other puppy millers. The Companion Animal Protection Society has the undercover investigation of this kennel, please visit to view it. And if that’s not bad enough, we would also like to know why there are over 40 adult dogs, two to a cage, being fed with hamster tubes in the back of the store. The cages are stacked on each other, three high. Are the dogs breeding back there? That’s how the puppy millers do it. They put two dogs in a cage and force them to breed. The owner will not allow anyone to view the back room, but we have inspection reports from the Illinois Department Of Agriculture with the pictures they took. Is this a puppy mill in Lisle? I walked in the alley behind the store and could hear the dogs screaming and crying. Do they ever get out of the cage? Just where do these dogs go to the bathroom? In the cage? Do they get any vet care? Do they get anything at all? The smell by the back door is horrendous! Please everyone, take a walk back there and get a whiff of this, and hear the dogs screaming. In my opinion, this is animal abuse and running a puppy mill. We held a peaceful protest on Sunday and will continue to educate the public every weekend. If you want to join us, that would be great! Join us at our next protest, Saturday December 29th from 1:00 – 3:00. Please contact me at CAPS, website above, Ida McCarthy, if anyone has any information on this place. Thank you!
Group Protests Puppy Parlor on Main; Next Demonstration This Saturday