Inventory: The 1/8/03 USDA inspection report lists 830 adult dogs and 321 puppies.

Breeds included Boxers, Huskies, Mastiffs, Weimeraners, Pointers, Brittany Spaniels, Springer Spaniels, Maltese, Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, Shelties, Golden Retrievers, Bichons, Rottweilers, Schipperkes, Schnauzers, Labrador Retrievers, Chows, Norwich Terriers and Pekingese.

While driving down the lane to Ms. Bauck’s facility, we saw several dog enclosures to my left. One Mastiff enclosure had an unsealed particle board shelter that was severely water damaged with rotted holes near the ground (3.4(c)). The shelter lacked wind/rain break at the entrances (3.4(b)(3)-Shelter from the elements). These entrances were severely chewed by the dogs (3.1(c)(2-Maintenance and replacement of surfaces). These dogs had no shade (3.4(b)(2)-Shelter from the elements). We also saw large holes that the dogs had dug into the earth (3.6(a)(1)(ii)-Primary enclosures).

Beyond the Mastiff’s enclosure, there were several wire enclosures with dirt floors that contained Brittany Spaniels and Pointers. The shelters had pieces of tin or metal bent into a U shape in front of the openings. It appeared that these bent pieces of metal were supposed to serve as a wind break because the direct openings to the shelter were missing wind or rain breaks (3.4(b)(2)(3)-Shelter from the elements). The bent metal had very sharp jagged edges that posed a danger to the dogs (3.1(c)(1)(ii)-Surfaces) (3.6 (a)(2)(1)(ii)-Primary enclosures).

There were 10 chain link and concrete kennels with Huskies. The dogs had shelter access to a main kennel building. A few of the entrances needed the dog doors repaired. Some were chewed and partially missing and a few others just needed put back in the hinges (3.4(b)(3)-Shelter from the elements). Other than the inside of their dens, these dogs lacked protection from the direct wind, sun or rain (3.4)(b)(2)-Shelter from the elements). There was more than 48 hours worth of fecal accumulation on the concrete floors, and the Huskies were unable to avoid contact with feces as they walked through it or sat in it (3.1(c)(3)-Cleaning) (3.11(a)-Cleaning of primary enclosures).

There was a large accumulation of feces, urine and hair deposited in the concrete run off trough directly in front of the enclosures. The run off trough had deposited feces and debris about two feet from the enclosures (3.1(f)-Drainage and waste disposal). Tall weeds, grass and debris were in and around the dog enclosures and surrounding areas (3.11(c)-Housekeeping for premises).

Ms. Bauck was in the process of dipping dogs. She had hired teenage children and a few adults from her church to assist. They were wearing orange plastic jumpsuits to prevent the pyrethine dip from getting on their clothes but were not wearing safety goggles or gloves to protect their eyes and skin. Ms. Bauck was supervising. (3.12-Employees).

Pick of the Litter had an unusual process for dipping the larger breed dogs. Ms. Bauck and her employees caught a dog, put a harness on it, hook the harness to a wench and then completely submerge the dog in a metal vat, which was similar to a watering trough only larger. They then completely submerged the dog in Pyrethine dip that was held in place by a tractor. No one seemed concerned that this dip was going into the eyes, ears and mouths of the dogs (2.40-Veterinary care) The dogs appeared scared and apprehensive about the dipping process and were certainly distressed hanging from the wench and dripping with dip (2.40)

The dogs were tossed, sopping wet, back into their enclosures. I managed to get a sample of the dip, which I took to Dr. Wiliiam Rose, a veterinarian in Perham, MN. He didn’t think that the dip was diluted enough. He was very concerned about the dip getting into the dog’s eyes, ears and mouths (2.40). Dr. Rose also said that the dip should have been rinsed off after five minutes. According to Kathy, it should stay on the dogs for at least five days. She said that the Pyrethine dip cures everything from mange to butt fungus and also kills fleas, ticks, and lice – and even skin allergies.

The wet dogs had to contend with the harsh smell and burning skin as well as the weather. It was around 50 degrees and overcast with fairly steady winds.

There were several Boxers, one predominantly white, who not moving. They were very lethargic and laid curled up in a ball even though all the other dogs jumped and barked at me (2.40)

Ms. Bauck seemed wary of us and kept demanding that we say that we were not animal rights people. She acted paranoid. She finally set an appointment for us and said that she only shows puppies by appointment. Our appointment was for Wednesday 9/18/02.

We arrived that afternoon to see that everything looked as it did on our first visit except for the dip procedure. It was cold and raining. As I quickly looked around, I noticed a tethered Husky with no shelter (3.6(c)(4)-Prohibited means of primary enclosure) and a tethered Rottweiler with an unsealed wooden dog house (3.4(c)-Construction) that was missing a wind/rain break at the entrance (3.4(b)(3)-Shelter from the elements).

Beyond the tethered Husky I could see chain link kennels with concrete floors that contained Cocker Spaniels and Shelties. There was quite a bit of hair and fecal accumulation on the concrete floor and in the grass and run-off trough (3.1(f)-Drainage and waste disposal). The dogs were damp (3.6(a)(2)(v)-Primary enclosures) and I noticed a male dog urinate through the fencing onto another dog. Directly in back of the parking area, I saw Schipperkes, Poodles and Bichons living in rusty metal hutch enclosures (3.1(c)(1)(i)-Surfaces). The Poodles and Bichons were dirty and shaggy (2.40-Veterinary care).

Ms. Bauck finally approached us. She stated that she had decided not to do business with us.

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