Jerry L Miller from CAPS on Vimeo.
Breeder: Jerry L Miller
Business name:
Address: 5990 Township Rd 606
City, State, Zip: Fredericksburg, Oh 44627
USDA License:
Date of CAPS Investigation: 7/15/19
Time of CAPS Investigation: 11:14
Weather at time of investigation: 80°F and sunny
Approximate number of dogs observed at time of investigation: four
Breeds: Bichons, Lhasa apsos
The kennel was a building with elevated wire cages on each of two sides, with four cages on one side and six cages on another. The cages were made of treated wire, with doggie-doors allowing access to indoor portions of the enclosures. Cages were about 2.5 feet wide, long and tall. I observed one to two dogs per enclosure. The dogs were going in and out of the outdoor cage portions. The outdoor cages had wire doors that were individually locked with padlocks.