Breeder: Lesli Mecom
Address: 40634 E County Road 1230
City, State, Zip: Keota, OK 74941
USDA License: 73-A-2777
Date and time of CAPS Investigation: 2/17/20
Weather at time of investigation: 61°F and overcast; 1309
Approximate number of dogs observed at time of investigation: 10 (not all dogs observed)
Breeds: Bichons, Shih Tzu, Yorkies
Two kennel buildings were visible to me, each having two rows of indoor/outdoor elevated treated wire cages, one set above the other, on the buildings’ east and west sides. In cages in which I saw dogs set through doggie-doors to outdoor cages, I saw one to two dogs per cage, with one Yorkie in a top cage routinely pacing in circles.
Breeder is connected to the following stores:
- Fashionable Pets, NJ