Breeder: Barbara Owens
Address: 40646 E County Road 1230
City, State, Zip: Keota, OK 74941
USDA License: 73-A-2513
Date of CAPS Investigation: 2/17/20
Time of CAPS investigation: 1211
Weather at time of investigation: 61°F and overcast
Approximate number of dogs observed at time of investigation: 40
Breeds: Yorkies, unknown (Bichons or Maltese)
The primary kennel building was a Sundowner design with indoor/outdoor treated wire cages on the north and south sides, five cages per row, and one row set above the other. There were about three dogs per cage observed, being either Yorkshire Terriers or shaved white dogs the size of Yorkies, which appeared to be either Maltese or Bichons. No dogs were in the southern top row of outdoor cages. In the bottom row of cages, there appeared to be dogs small enough to be puppies in several cages. Cages had plastic sheets under them to catch feces and urine, and PVC pipes attached to them to send flushed manure away from the kennel.
West of the southern outdoor cages and directly next to them were several treated wire cages on PVC stilts that were overgrown with dried vines. Leaning against them were sheets of untreated wire (3.11 Cleaning, sanitization, housekeeping, and pest control – (c) Housekeeping for premises).
Breeder is connected to the following stores:
- American Dog Club Lake Grove, NY
- Puppy Kisses, CT
- Mama’s and Papa’s, NJ
- Fashionable Pets, NJ