Breeder: Willey, Michael and Lisa
Business name: Shiloh Kennel
Address: 508 264th St.
City, State Zip: Garland, KS
Year: 2004
USDA License: 48-A-0460
USDA Inspector: Karl Thornton, ACI
USDA Inspections: 2003-05-23
Date of CAPS Investigation: 2004-08-27
Four outdoor cages
Michael and Lisa Willey’s facility included an enclosed, single-story structure about 100 feet long with eight outside cages on one end. A layer of sheet metal was supported over the eight cages.
Four of those cages were made of aluminum that easily conducted heat (3.4(b)(1)-Shelter from the elements). These cages were raised about 3.5 feet above the ground on aluminum supports that ran underneath the cages. Each cage was about three feet tall, three feet long, and three feet wide and housed a single Chihuahua.
Plastic sheeting below the cages was partially stained brown (3.11(a)-Cleaning of primary enclosures) and had flies swarming around it (3.11(d)-Pest control). The back walls of the cages were splattered with feces in several areas (3.11(a)-Cleaning of primary enclosures), most likely from water spraying the plastic sheeting below. A white, five-gallon plastic bucket near the far end of the aluminum cages was half-filled and encrusted with feces (3.11(c)-Housekeeping for premises).
Four other cages
The other four cages were made of wood and thick-gauge metal wire. Metal beams above and below the cages supported them about four feet above the ground. Each was about a foot tall, three feet wide, and three feet long with wooden two-by-four boards used on all corners and for cage doors about 1.5 feet long. Each housed a Chihuahua that lacked six inches of space from the top of their heads to the tops of their cages (3.6(c)(1)(iii)-Primary enclosures). The pen closest to the aluminum pens housed a black, long-haired Chihuahua that had a constant, hacking, raspy cough that sounded like that of a Bordatella infection (2.40-Vet Care).
The wood, wire, and metal beams of these cages were all painted white and the paint was peeling in many areas (3.1(c)(2)-Maintenance and replacement of surfaces), In several areas, one of which Mr. Willey pointed out, the wire and metal beams were rusting (3.1(c)(1)(i)-Surfaces). One cage had a wooden board resting against its wire side (3.1(b)-Condition and site). Like the aluminum cages, these had plastic sheeting below them to catch feces and debris.
More outdoor pens
There were about eight outdoor pens set on concrete floorings, each measuring about five feet wide and 10 feet long. They were made of wood, chain-link wire, and thick-gauge metal wire and housed one to two adult Akitas.
The pens had sheet-metal roofs with metal beams underneath supported by wooden posts at the pen corners. Each pen had wooden doors and wire sides and was separated from an adjacent pen by a wire wall. Each pen contained a wooden enclosure about three feet tall, three feet wide, and three feet long. These pens were not large enough for two Akitas to lie down in a normal position or turn about freely (3.4(b)-Shelter from the elements).
The pens had plastic water containers on the floorings and metal food dishes set in metal holders attached to the wire walls about 18 inches from the ground. Two pens had thin plastic panels about five feet long and two feet wide leaning up against them on their side nearest the enclosed building (3.1(b)-Condition and site). There was a plastic igloo-type dog house and several kennel crates stacked near the outdoor pens, as well as weeds as tall as four feet growing in some areas (3.1(b)-Condition and site) (3.11(c)-Housekeeping for premises).